Privacy Policy

Personal address, payment, and order content data will not be disclosed under any circumstances. We guarantee that your data will not be used for purposes other than processing orders. Regarding data traffic security, every transaction that involves payment, whether by credit card or not, will be encrypted with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. It means that only the store has access to your data.

When you fill in the data and send it to us, it is encrypted, making it unrecognizable during the journey over the Internet, ensuring the confidentiality of the information. We may occasionally receive your information from other sources such as partner registrations to add them to our database, which under no circumstances will be sold or provided to third parties. In addition, we store some information that we automatically receive every time the customer interacts with our website and online store advertising. Internet Protocol (IP), browser type, and pages viewed on our website are some examples of this collection, which is carried out using cookies. Cookies are identifications of the interaction with the online store or our advertisements transferred to the consumer’s device to recognize you during navigation.
We use cookies to provide a better experience in our store and also to enable personalized features such as product recommendations, advertisements, and additional information on items of interest, for example.

The content of the online store may be periodically updated or modified, therefore can not be interpreted as definitive. The online store time follows Brasília time. MBERNARDES GEMS seeks to correct, as soon as possible, any inaccuracies or omissions in the content, but will not assume responsibility for its misuse, application, or processing that users may give to the said information, contrary to the nature, purpose, and function of those made available.

The online store may provide access to other external websites, whose contents and privacy and information security policies are not the responsibility of MBERNARDES. Thus, we recommend that users, when being redirected to external websites, always consult the respective privacy policies before providing their data or information. The user will have the option to register, which is subject to the provision of his/her data. By providing your data, you automatically declare to know and accept the terms of this Policy.

The user is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the personal password for accessing the platform chosen at the time of registration. MBERNARDES is not responsible for any damage resulting from the disclosure of the personal password by the user to third parties, or from the use of the password by third parties to gain access to the user’s registration. The user who registers may, at any time, request to be informed of the content of his registration, and may even make the corrections he deems convenient, simply by making them through his registration on the website. Access to the information received is restricted only to members of MBERNARDES authorized to use this information properly. If the user wants to delete his account, he will have at his disposal in the online store such an option to delete the account at any time, which will be done immediately. After such exclusion, the registration will be deactivated in our database.

Unless otherwise informed, MBERNARDES will not be entitled to use the information submitted about any users beyond what is necessary to meet our needs; or upon request from the competent authorities. The user has total responsibility to guarantee the veracity and accuracy of the personal data provided in this virtual store. MBERNARDES will not assume any responsibility in case of inaccuracy of the personal data entered by the user in the online store, omission of relevant information, or insertion of false data that could mislead the user. In case we receive from the user any false, or incorrect, or out of date or incomplete information, or if MBERNARDES has sufficient reason to suspect that those ones have one of these problems, we shall have the right to suspend or cancel immediately, regardless of notification, the user registration account and refuse any present or future use of services that require specific registration.

All data provided by users on the platform through security protocols will be protected to ensure its privacy and authenticity as it travels over the Internet. However, we do not guarantee the total security of the information or data sent by visitors. In case of fortuitous causes or reasons of force majeure, which is why visitors expressly waive any claim against this online store as a result of loss of data eventually suffered as a result of unauthorized access or breach of security of the systems that maintain the platform.

All the products, texts, photographs, images, and logos present in this virtual store are linked to MBERNARDES. Those are protected by copyright, industrial property, and personality rights relating to image, voice, and name. The user agrees to be solely responsible for the unauthorized use of the content of this platform, and that MBERNARDES will spare no efforts to fully preserve its ownership rights.

The Policy is governed by Brazilian law and must be interpreted in the Portuguese language. Any conflict situation that cannot be resolved in an amicable negotiation must be settled at the Forum of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. MBERNARDES reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy to adapt it to changes in legislation or jurisprudence, as well as those relating to commercial practices. In any case, MBERNARDES will publish these changes in the platform.

Sending communications and advertising messages

We may send communications and advertising messages to consumers registered on the online platform. We can use all types of technologies and means of communication available, whether by e-mail, SMS, MMS, direct mail (and) others. You will agree to this provision by registering on the online store. Communications, newsletters, notices of offers, and advertising messages sent by e-mail will necessarily have the option to be canceled. The opt-out can be done through the e-mail provided on the website.

However, consumers who have more than one registration may continue to receive communications or advertising messages in the e-mail that has not been deactivated. We remind you that the e-mail address entered at the time of registration will be used to send communications during the entire purchase process, such as, for example, to inform about your order data, order status, delivery status, etc. Therefore, we recommend that you include the sender from our online store as a trusted sender to prevent such messages from being intercepted by Anti-Spam.

Modifications to our privacy policy

Seeking continuous improvement, we may change the Privacy Policy at any time. However, when it occurs, we will post the changes on our website in a visible place. By using the services of our online store, you, the consumer, agree and accept the terms of the Privacy Policy in effect on the date, and you must check it in advance each time you visit it.