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Showing 1–16 of 17 results

Green Tourmaline / Blue

Generic Information:

Name Origin: Stone belonging to the Tourmaline Group, of the Verdelite and Elbaíte varieties. This name is given by the fact that the name of the color is sometimes used after the term tourmaline instead of using the gemological variety.In this case, Green Tourmaline.

Main Colors: Green, yellowish-green to bluish-green.

Producing Countries: They are found in pegmatites and alluvial deposits. One of the most important sources is Brazil in the State of Minas Gerais, but they are also found in Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Afghanistan, among other countries. One of the most recent productions of has been in Congo and Araçuaí, Minas Gerais. Stones from Afghanistan tend to be lighter and brighter.

Common Shapes: Green Tourmalines are generally cut in rectangular, octogonal or antique shapes. Due to the optical axis being very dark, it forces the lapidary to place the side walls at an angle of almost 90º concerning the front of the stone. Only light green stones can be cut into an oval and round shapes. Some Green Tourmalines require great care when faceting and polishing, as they can open small cracks unexpectedly.

Usual Treatment: Heat treatment from 500 to 700°C on stones of medium to dark intensity, to lighten them by 10 to 30%.

Gemological Data:

Hardness of Mohs:7/7,5
Specific Density:3,06 (+0,15 / -0,05)
Fracture:Uneven, conical, brittle
Crystal System:Hexagonal (trigonal) usually elongated crystals with triangular sections and rounded faces, clear striations parallel to the main axis; often, several prisms grow together.
Chemical Composition:(NaLiCa)(Fe₁₁MgMnAl)₃Al₆[(OH)₄(BO₃)₃Si₆O₁₈)]Aluminum complex borosilicate of variable composition.
Transparency:Transparent to opaque
Refractive Index:1,624-1,644
Pleochroism:Strong green; dark green, yellowish-green, and light green.
Fluorescence:Weak or none