Return Policy

The return policy adopted by MBERNARDES seeks to meet the needs of our customers transparently and effectively complying with the Consumer Protection Code.
Any return must be communicated in advance via email through We will contact you to inform the conditions and procedures for the shipment of the product. The deadline is seven days (from receipt).

The realization of these operations is subject to the following conditions:
There must be prior communication through our email when we will analyze the request. After this analysis, we will provide the customer with the necessary information to post our product back to our company or one of our representatives.
The merchandise should return in its original packaging. It can not show any traces of use and has not undergone any changes concerning its original structure and appearance.
Goods purchased that were bespoke or customized for the customer can not be returned.
IMPORTANT: The cancellation or request for payment reversal will take place after evaluating whether the returned product meets its original specifications.

Customers must observe our criteria. If, after company analysis, we identify that the customer does not comply with any of them, we may refuse to accept the returned product. In this way, the product will be returned to the customer, duly accompanied by a report justifying the reasons for the non-acceptance of the Exchange/return, thus avoiding the reversal of the payments made.